About Me

Hi, I’m Dario Loi, a 22 year old Computer Science Student at Sapienza University of Rome, I'm currently about to start my Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, after graduating with full honors in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence.

Quick Bio

I was born near Naples, Italy, where I lived until my 2nd year of High School, when I moved to Rome. From a young age I have always been interested in computers and technology, especially how programming allows you to create anything you can imagine. I started programming for fun before it was even a subject in school, and I have been doing it ever since; my first programming language was Visual Basic, but I quickly moved on to C++, which I nowadays consider my favorite language. I also used Python as the main language for most of my Bachelor's Degree courses, so I am well versed in various data science and machine learning libraries such as Pytorch, Pandas and the other usual suspects.

My Hobbies #

Most of my hobbies revolve around music, I play the guitar (both classical and electric) and I am an avid music listener, my taste spans from classical music to metal and everything in between. I also enjoy playing video games, my favorite genres are FPSs and strategy games, especially when they have complex mechanics. I also enjoy reading Isaac Asiimov's books.

Projects #

I have worked on a few projects, both personal and for college, here are some of them:

  • Spark - A simple OpenGL renderer in C++ that I worked on in my free time, to learn more about OpenGL and graphics programming.
  • Chain-DB - A C++ CLI application that allows management of a fictitious logistics company, managing the company's vehicles, drivers and shipments and plotting courses through the A* algorithm. This was a group project for my Database course.
  • Mine-RCNN - A Python/Pytorch re-implementation of the Faster-RCNN paper, detecting entity silhouettes in the sandbox game Minecraft, for my Deep Learning course.
  • CUDA Accelerated Decision Trees - A C implementation of the Random Forest algorithm, accelerated with CUDA, for my Parallel and Distributed Computing course.
  • Exposure Fusion - An OpenCV2 implementation of the Exposure Fusion algorithm, for my Computer Graphics course, includes homographic alignment between low resolution images, and works at blazing speeds.